Archway held its 2021 Cancer Walk this past Wednesday. It was a beautiful fall day; the sky was clear, the air crisp and cool, and attendance was nothing short of inspiring! It was a day to show our support for friends and family, neighbors and coworkers, and anyone we care for who has been affected by cancer.
Students from the Upper School, the Lower School, Cooper’s Poynt, participants from all our Archway Programs, as well as family members and friends, were in attendance.
John Petsch, Principal of the Lower School, gave a short speech reminding us of the walk’s purpose before giving the green light to start. Mark Letiziano, Principal of the Upper School, walked side by side with participants encouraging them along the way. George Richards, Archway CEO/CFO, and Susan Lafferty, Executive Director of Education, both participated in the festivities, showing their support.
Staff and volunteers worked at the snack tables offering treats and refreshments to participants, and we were honored and thankful to have members of the Waterford Township Police Department on campus. Patrolmen Derek Naylor and K9 Officer Dan McGuckin, along with Nico, watched over the event from start to finish. Thank you, officers! We appreciate you and your time.
Thank you to everyone that had a part in making this day possible.