The Adult Counseling & Therapy (ACT) Program is a caring place for adults to grow. Archway’s proven philosophy emphasizes the importance of utilizing individual strengths to improve social, occupational and educational functioning that is developmentally appropriate. The ACT Program allows all of the adults served to develop their own unique abilities at their own pace, providing individualized support to overcome obstacles obstructing functional skill improvement. Archway staff provides recovery focused services to educate about mental illness and develop the strengths and skills needed to manage them effectively. Our program features a variety of day-to-day activities, group therapies, community trips, special events, and holiday/dance parties. The ACT Program is a day program located in Washington Township that operates Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

In Archway’s Supportive Living Program, clients typically live independently or with their family in the community but need some support to maintain their independence. Archway employees support clients in this program in a wide variety of individualized services. Clients typically receive between ten to fifteen hours of service per week. Services include but are not limited to assisting with self care needs, supporting good health, assisting with communication, assisting with life skills, supporting individual’s recreation choices, assisting individuals with budgeting/ financial management needs, as well as supporting consumers in reaching individual goals.

Archway’s Residential Community Homes have been in operation for over thirty years providing support to adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. Our beautiful homes are located in quiet residential settings throughout Southern and Central New Jersey. Staff provide a wide variety of individualized supports to clients, including but not limited to supporting good health, assisting with communication, teaching life skills, teaching problem solving and social skills, supporting community inclusion and participation, supporting individual’s recreation choices, supporting individual’s self care, household, budgeting/ financial management needs as well as supporting consumers in reaching individual goals.

The program is currently operating out of our beautiful campus in Atco, New Jersey. The purpose of respite is to give the primary caregiver(s) some time away from caring for their family member with a Developmental Disability. Primary caregivers provide transportation to and from the program which operates from 1pm to 5pm on most Saturdays. When possible, one Saturday each month we have an extended day, usually from 10am to 5pm so caregivers can have an extended respite period.

Positive Encounters is comprised of a team that coordinates weekly age-appropriate activities focusing on personal accountability, problem solving, prevocational skills, team building and leadership skills . The planned activities are designed to provide recreation while at the same time enhance self esteem and socialization skills.