Today Archway received confirmation of a positive COVID-19 exposure at the Just Kids Before and After School Care Program at its Albert Bean Elementary School site located in Pine Hill, New Jersey. The employee who tested positive is a Childcare Provider at the Just Kids Albert Bean Program. Archway has developed a carefully thought-out plan for what to do in the event a student, client, resident, and/or staff member tests positive, and is now implementing that plan. As part of that plan, the Just Kids staff member who was confirmed positive, as well as others who may have been exposed through close contact, will need to complete a quarantine period based upon CDC and NJ Department of Health.
Lorin Powell, Director of Just Kids, has communicated with parents of students who are considered to be in close contact (within 6 feet of distance for 15 minutes over a 24 hour period). All exposed areas have been cleaned and disinfected according to established protocols. Just Kids will continue to work with the school district to take necessary precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs. As a precautionary measure, the Just Kids Albert Bean Program will be temporarily closed effective today throughout the following week. The Just Kids Albert Bean Program will re-open on Monday, November 9th, 2020.
“We are all navigating a new normal and trying to do what’s best for each of our families. Just Kids believes that full transparency is critical right now during these unprecedented times. Keeping clear lines of communication with parents allows Just Kids to ensure the health and safety of each of our students and their families,” said Lorin Powell, Director of Just Kids.
Just Kids has been providing before and after school care to thousands of families throughout southern New Jersey for over three decades. When the pandemic modified programs offered throughout the organization, in mid-March, Archway’s leadership team immediately began designing a detailed, comprehensive plan to safely re-open Just Kids, in addition to other programs. Archway’s Re-Opening plan is based on guidance and recommendations from the CDC, the state health department and the New Jersey Governor’s phased plan to re-open the State of New Jersey. The Re-Opening Plan as well as fact sheets, helpful resources and updates can be found on Archway’s website at www.ArchwayPrograms.org/COVID19. This page is updated frequently and includes updates and any changes to programming and services provided throughout Archway Programs.
Any questions and/or concerns regarding the COVID-19 exposure at Just Kids Albert Bean should be directed to: Lorin Powell, Director of Just Kids, via phone at 856.768.8190 or via email at lorin.powell@archwayprograms.org.