Archway Residents Enjoy the Holiday Season

January 4, 2021

This has been a strange year for all of us and with the holidays now past us, the impact from the past year have really hit home. It’s important to remember that a lot of us have been blessed with the abilities to rationalize, put things in perspective, and appreciate the positive experiences that may have come through during 2020. That’s not always so easy for most of the population we serve throughout our Residential Community Homes. Change is oftentimes difficult, let alone a change that has lasted nearly 12 months. So be patient with those around you, show kindness, and be generous with positivity, it can change the day of someone you encounter.

Our residents still are not back to work or day programming, however some families have been able to visit and some clients have gotten to go on home visits as well which everyone is happy about. Around the holidays, our residents and staff delivered beautiful Blue Violet floral arrangements to local police departments to show their appreciation for keeping us all safe (pictured above). Preparing for the holidays was a nice distraction for everyone involved, from decorating our community homes to drive-by gift giving and Santa visits, as staff continues to keep things as “normal” as possible.

Very slowly, our residents have been getting back out into the community, but with cases of COVID-19 on the rise, we’ve slowed to a snail’s pace. All of our homes have remained COVID-19 free and we would like to keep it that way! Many of our residents have had birthdays that we don’t let pass by without a celebration, COVID-19 style! Here’s to 2021 being a better year and hopefully going back to a life similar to the one we once knew!

To learn more about our Residential Community Homes, click here.