Based on guidelines from the DOE, NJ DOH and CDC, the Archway Schools re-opened for the 2020-21 school year on September 8th. The schools will follow a staggered hybrid schedule split into two groups. Group A attends on Mondays and Wednesdays and Group B attends on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays are 100% remote learning. The school day consists of a five-hour day and each child is provided two in-person days and three remote instruction days. Families were given the option to opt for all remote if they weren’t comfortable sending their child back to school. Classroom size have been adjusted accordingly to ensure adequate social distancing with no more than ten people to one classroom. The same group will remain together all day in the same space as much as possible, including during meals and breaks.
A huge shout-out to all of the incredible teachers and parents as a new (and unusual) school year begins. Together we can and we will make this an incredible school year! #ArchwayFamily