HOPE/DISCOVERY Youth Programs Announce Re-Opening Date

It has been several months now that Archway’s HOPE and DISCOVER youth programs has closed its doors due to the nation’s health pandemic. For most families served, telehealth services were used to accommodate our youth during these challenging times. Effective Monday, July 20th, both HOPE and DISCOVER programs will reopen, operating on the summer schedule from 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Each day at program, every child will be screened with three questions and a temperature check (before getting on the bus). Face masks/coverings are required and must be worn to and from program including during transportation.

To see the official program announcement from Mr. Jay, please click on the pdf.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jay Montague, Clinical Director of HOPE/DISCOVER Programs via phone at 856.905.2077 or via email at jay.montague@archwayprograms.org.

We are looking forward to seeing some familiar faces on July 20th!