Bully Prevention Month at Our Schools

October 21, 2019

Every October, staff and students from our schools participate in a ‘Week of Respect’ which in support of Bully Prevention month. This is a perfect opportunity to reinforce the expected behaviors that foster a safe, kind and respectful learning environment. Throughout the week, students and staff at our schools as well as Administrative staff joined together to participate in a spirit week by following special themed days such as, wearing red to STOP bullying, wearing yellow to show that Archway follows the Golden Rule – treating others the way you want to be treated, etc. A huge thank you to our special guest, U.S. Olympic Heavyweight Boxing Champion, Mr. Cam Awesome, who gave a presentation focused on the effects of bullying and making positive choices in your life.

#ArchwayProud #ArchwayGames #ArchwaySchools #APSSD #njprivateschool #specialeducation #ArchwayPrograms #nonprofit #EmbracingDifferences #ImprovingLives #BullyPrevention #STOPBullying #Respect #CamAwesome