Celebrating Employee Milestones & Years of Service

April 24, 2020

Every year around this time, Archway Programs’ Board of Trustees hosts the annual Employee Recognition Breakfast to recognize employees with longevity and to salute outstanding staff members who have supported the organization as they reach career service milestones. This year, we haven’t quite yet gathered together due to everything going on in the world however we would like you to join us in virtually celebrating our employees and the level of hard work and dedication each one of them exhibits in furthering Archway’s mission.

Recognized for 5 Years

Deborah Bellwoar, Childcare Supervisor

Chantel Bechtel, Childcare Assistant

Amanda Brezee-Thompson, Teacher

Linda Cottman, Direct Support Professional

Brittany Cropley, Paraprofessiona

April Delgado, Occupational Therapist

Samantha DePalma, Paraprofessional

Michael Fishman, Teacher

Candice Hoffman, Teacher

Rebecka Howe, Paraprofessional

Cyriss Howell, Life Skills Counselor

Megan Keck, Occupational Therapist

Holly Keresty, Paraprofessional

Mercedes Ledan, Paraprofessional

Yolanda Maiden, Speech Therapist

James McNally, Network Administrator

Lillian Norton, Paraprofessional

Rosemarie Pichini, Paraprofessional

Toni Pratt, Direct Support Professional

Carmen Sandoval, Assistant Manager

Deborah Schafer, Paraprofessional

Caitlin Stow, Paraprofessional

Michelle Weber, Art Teacher

Recognized for 10 Years

Stacey Carrelli, Manager

Nancy Cattanea, Childcare Assistant

Linda Fernandez, Paraprofessional

Stephanie Fitzgerald, Childcare Supervisor

Victoria Henderson, Direct Support Professional

Alyssa Jones, Childcare Assistant

Donald Lamb, Registered Behavior Technician

Nicole Madrid, Child Development Specialist

Recognized for 15 Years

Lois Cunningham, Registered Nurse

Tammy Kaminski, Social Worker

Kevin McGuire, Teacher

Tracy McShea, Occupational Therapist

Rachel Patti, Special Educator

Recognized for 20 Years

Patricia Carey, Teacher

Hanna Gunson, Paraprofessional

Dorothy Musick, Paraprofessional

Aracelis Ortiz, Art Teacher

Recognized for 25 Years

Samantha DeGerlia, Residential Coordinator

Recognized for 30 Years

Linda DiLullo, Billing Specialist

Dale Webber, Teacher

Congratulations to all! Archway Programs is a better place because of you. We are proud that you are part of the #ArchwayFamily.