Respite Services

Human Services Mission
The Human Services Department of Archway Programs sees its Mission as helping others to help themselves.

The Human Services Department of Archway Programs has a vision of being recognized throughout Southern New Jersey for its community involvement, problem-solving capabilities, individualized quality care, and accessibility to services for those in need.

Saturday Respite
Archway Programs has been providing Saturday Respite services to clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 2005.  The program is currently operating out of our beautiful campus in Atco, New Jersey.  The purpose of respite is to give the primary caregiver(s) some time away from caring for their family member with a Developmental Disability.  Primary caregivers provide transportation to and from the program which operates from 1 pm to 5 pm on most Saturdays.  When possible, one Saturday each month we have an extended day, usually from 10 am to 5 pm, so caregivers can have an extended respite period.  Our clients enjoy a wide variety of supervised recreation activities, including but not limited to swimming in one of our two pools on campus, fishing in our beautiful lake, observing and learning about the wide variety of wildlife on campus, playing games and sports, enjoying arts and crafts, and much more.  We also take trips out about once a month and enjoy activities like amusement parks, movies, bowling, plays, and more!  Staff provide supervision and support for consumers to be able to safely enjoy their choice of recreation activities.

Eligibility/ Admission/ Funding
Saturday Drop-In Respite services are funded by the Division of Developmental Disabilities.  Referrals for service come from DDD.

Eligibility/ Admission/ Funding
In-home respite services are funded by the Division of Developmental Disabilities.  Referrals for service come from DDD.

For More Information on Archway’s respite services:

Samantha DeGerlia
PO Box 668
Atco, NJ 08004-0668
856.767.5757 x378