Just Kids and the Girl Scouts of Central and Southern New Jersey teamed up again this year and gave girls at several of the schools it serves a new twist on the program’s before and after school care. Girls at Archway’s Just Kids Program discovered what it means to be a G.I.R.L. (go-getter, innovator, risk-taker […]Read More
The 2019 Special Olympics New Jersey (SONJ) Summer Games were held at the College of New Jersey on June 7-9th. One of our clients, Natalyn, attended opening ceremonies on June 7th and was able to walk into the stadium with her team. On June 8th, she participated in the freestyle 25m swim and won 1st […]Read More
Amy Ashe, Marketing Director of two South Jersey Chick-fil-A restaurants, stopped in Blue Violet and Gifts to place special orders for two South Jersey Chick-fil-A restaurants for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day events. Pictured below is Dylan, one of our students from the Archway Lower School who works at Blue Violet Flowers and Gifts as […]Read More
Clients from our ACT Program were treated to a 4th of July BBQ! There were outdoor games like water balloon tossing, water gun fun and relays. Indoor activities included shuffleboard, ring toss and bucket-pong. Indoor activities for those who couldn’t be out in the heat included shuffleboard, ring toss and bucket-pong. Jim and Amy hit […]Read More
Archway employees were touched to receive personally addressed, hand-written thank you cards from our clients in the Adult, Counseling and Therapy (ACT) Program. ACT clients wrote cards to each staff member who volunteered to help renovate their building recently at Archway’s employee-wide Volunteer Day on May 18th, 2019. Some of our employees who volunteered are […]Read More
It was the perfect summer day for Archway’s Administrative BBQ complete with delicious food, music, games, and fun! Employees each brought in their favorite dishes and Archway executives cooked burgers and hot dogs for everyone to enjoy. Senior Accountant Michael Kernan, won pin the tail on the donkey and was excited to win a very […]Read More
We celebrated the accomplishments of 12 Upper School students and 3 Lower School students at two recent graduation ceremonies. It was a joyful and bittersweet event for our graduates, their families, friends, teachers and staff. Decked out in traditional caps and gowns, students were honored with awards for achievement in art, life skills, and music, […]Read More
Before the end of the school-year Archway staff, students and local partnering businesses attended the annual Career and Technical Education Luncheon, hosted by the Archway Schools’ Career Education Program. Archway Programs partners with local businesses to make the Career Center and the Career Education Program a place where students can become workplace ready. Working at […]Read More